War of the Woods Season 1

On a journey with their turtle friend and helmet Isaac, Phin and Nathaniel take off to meet with the others (there’s always some sort of committee lead by an owl so I know Petz was forced to use one here). From there we meet a legendary beast with a dark secret, learn more about these alien invaders and meet a group of warrior Canadian Fishers led by the rouge Mur d’eau.

I'm Wrong Too. We Do Need Print.

The problem when we think with our ass is that our ass never does a good job of looking at the whole picture. Or even the truth for that matter.

Not too long ago I read Mark Waid's post on how he "fumbled the ball". Just days ago I read Mark Millar's post about he too got it wrong.

Turns out, so did I. 

Wolverine and the X-men #1

Destruction comes easy. Especially in comics. Even more especially in the Marvel Universe where New York gets trashed more often than a freshman on spring break. And no one does it better than James, I mean Logan, I mean Wolverine. The guy took down hell after all.

The Middleman Vol 1 #1

Working as a temp sucks. Crappy pay. Stupid people. Horrible butt cheek monster trying to melt you with nuclear vomit.

Wendy Watson the artist has it all. An illegal sublet she shares. A mother who’s sure that Wendy’s a lesbian with a homosexual boyfriend. A temp job at A.N.D Laboratories.

The Private Eye #1

I’ve always loved great movies that jump right into the action with a taught first sequence that then cuts into the title/credits. Turns out the device works just as well with great comic books.

Page 1: We see behind a camera lense a woman undressing and revealing herself.

Diary of a Legal Meth Addict

Does this sound familiar? You or a loved one or just someone you know has a chronic illness. Treatment for this illness includes taking medication daily. You go to your doctor’s office and you’re prescribed that medication. With today’s technology you don’t get a paper script anymore. You just tell them your pharmacy, not the just company, the local one near your home and zap! Bing! They send it right to your pharmacist where it’s waiting for you when you arrive. Normally that medication will have a number of refills. When it’s time for a refill you can call your pharmacist or even just access them via an app and zap again, your refill is ready. No more refills? That’s all right. If your doctor’s office doesn’t need to see you they just send another prescription and all’s good. Now put a figurative pin in that.

Diet & Exercise for Sales & Marketing

He has a number of different theories about things that he applies to other aspects of life. One common theory he talks about all the time is diet and exercise, diet here meaning what you eat not any specific regimen. If you are trying to lose weight it can be reduced to two things: diet and exercise. That’s it. All the questions, important ones like types of food and exercise for example, are just details under those two. At the end of the day, if you want to lose weight, it’s about diet and exercise. It’s that simple. He constantly applies that theory to a number of other subjects.

I believe that it can and should be applied to your organization’s sales (fundraising for nonprofits) and marketing (outreach) efforts. My personal “diet and exercise” boils down to three things: valueengagement and problem-solving.

A Birthday's Reflections - Depression, Entrepreneurship and Gratitude

One year ago today I thought I was in the best place I had been in years. I had just started a brand new job with a very well known organization with a strong brand. The job came with a good title and an even better salary. I had earned that job working hard to get it from cover letter to my last interview. It helped that I had worked myself into a very good place. Since January of that year I had been eating right and exercising and working. I had lost over 20 pounds. I was active. My business mind was churning on cylinders. Hell, it was installing new cylinders in my brain and learning faster than Joshua playing tic-tac-toe (I honestly just thought that on up, but you can bet I will be spending the rest of the week patting myself on the back for that reference).

Switch to today. I no longer have that job.